Sunday Worship Services

All are welcome to worship every Sunday morning at 10 a.m. in the Worship Center


All children are welcome in worship all the time! 

Worship bags are available for children of all ages on the pew outside of the worship center doors. A rocking chair and table are also right outside the worship center doors for parents who prefer to feed or sooth young children. Nursery care is available in the Education Wing during Sunday School and Worship. 



  • Beautiful music including a broad repertoire of choir, handbells, and congregational singing
  • Rich liturgy including carefully crafted language and prayerful silence
  • Powerful preaching that is always attentive to scripture, the needs of the congregation, the challenges of the world
  • Intergenerational worship leadership by lay readers and musical offerings by people of all ages
  • The Lord’s Supper is celebrated on the first Sunday of each month
  • Liturgical seasons are expressed through visual arts as well as music and liturgy
  • Services are live streamed every Sunday and available on our YouTube Channel


  • Christmas Eve service
  • Christmas Choral Worship
  • Ash Wednesday service
  • Maundy Thursday service
  • Good Friday service, often shared with other churches
  • Easter Sunday service